In the meantime - here is the first presentation I put together for my students on the subjects of the trip:
I am leaving GR in a few minutes as a part of delegation of American jewelry scholars and makers in China. Mary Lee Hu is leading a troupe of us across the continent to visit design schools, practitioners, and tribal areas over the next 10 days. I have been looking for an opportunity to travel to China, Korea, Japan, or Vietnam since grad school - and am really excited to be able to share my work with, and experience their history and present. Not sure if I will be able to blog much on my trip, but I'll try.
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So blogspot seemed to be unavailable in China... Just getting to the US now. Too much to say about China, the trip, the people I travelled with, etc. It was a great experience, and I am very glad I went. Working on a presentation about the creation of the Miao bubble necklace for my students...will try to update later.
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